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About me
I am a Photographer based out of Levittown PA. People always ask "What made you get into photography?". My answer to that is, I was always that friend at the parties with my little point and shoot camera snapping pictures and one day I figured let me get a little more involved and jump to a DSLR. I picked up my first DSLR (Canon T2i) in 2010 and ever since I've been learning year after year. I'm self taught. With that being said I dedicated A LOT of time to tutorial videos, photography books, and lots of photography magazines. Luckily I have 2 beautiful daughters that I use as my test subjects for all of the new techniques I learn. The learning never stops there is always something new to pick up. I don't plan on stopping any time soon

"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"
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